
Divorce / Child Custody

Protect yourself and your child from harm, neglect and abuse

Especially if your ex-partner is known to have difficulties

Who is around your child?

Is your child around criminal activity, drug or alcohol abuse or or your ex’s new relationship?  Are there criminals or dangerous activities around your children during visits?

Who is watching your child?

Is your child being left in the care of an unqualified, unapproved or unlicensed providers?  Is your child being left in the care of an elderly or abusive parent who is unable to properly car for them?

Do you have the evidence you need?

Hubhound’s experienced and qualified investigators can obtain the video, photo, witness or physical evidence needed to greatly influence the courts final custodial decision.

Providing for our most precious gift

Hubhound understands that appropriate child support payments are paramount to the raising of your child in a safe and healthy environment affording your child the opportunity to thrive.

Hubhound will get the answers you need.


You may be seeing things the court doesn’t or can’t see.  Hubhound will help you get independent, professional and unbiased evidence so the courts can clearly see what you do.

Is your child support and alimony situation fair?

Child support and alimony can be one of the most frustrating and difficult areas to investigate.

Hidden Assets

Hubhound performs extensive background investigations which include locating hidden brokerage accounts, hidden bank accounts, financial assets, and hidden real property.

Cohabitation and financial assistance

 Cohabitation investigations show that a parent is living with another adult that is able to provide financial assistance to the family dynamic. This may also be important in conjunction with alimony determination.

Is your ex-spouse hiding income?

Hubhound investigators have used covert surveillance and other techniques to prove an ex-spouse is working and/or working under the table, thus under-reporting income.  This had resulted in favorable outcomes for our clients in court.

Put technology to work for you and your child

We have all the equipment we need to get the job done right, including our own computer forensics lab.  Do you have a mobile device you would like us to extract deleted data from?

Your needs are on our mind.


We’re not just an online service, we’re a team of real people who are qualified , equipped and prepared to get the answers you need.

Give us a call

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